The result
Migrated successfully
NodeJS to Kotlin
6 months
Shipped product
Livestreams operated
Apache Beam


Ursa Live simplifies the process of hosting artists' livestream events. With Ursa Live, artists can concentrate on their performances while the Ursa Live support team takes care of everything else. From setting up the event page to ensuring seamless sound and video streaming, Ursa Live's experienced producers will ensure that artists are ready to go. With Ursa Live support, artists can focus solely on delivering their music and providing an unforgettable experience for their audience.

Problem Definition

Provide an easy-to-use live streaming platform that's highly interactive and allows you to earn the rewards.

What we do

  • Infrastructure
    • Our team handles the setup and configuration of the necessary infrastructure components, ensuring a strong and scalable foundation.
  • Backend Development
    • Our experienced developers use Kotlin to build a robust backend that covers essential functionalities like user management, authentication, video streaming logic, and API integrations.
  • Frontend Development
    • With React, we create a visually appealing and user-friendly interface for your streaming website, focusing on delivering an immersive experience across devices.


  • Established a robust backend and infrastructure that is easily monitored and maintained.
  • Created attractive and user-friendly mobile applications with responsive performance.
  • Developed a tool for conducting promotional campaigns and collaborating with sponsors or partners.

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